Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Trump's Tax Bill has overheated the Economy in a serious way

For example, if the tax Bill had been passed maybe in 2009 or something like that it would have been useful. But not now.

Now it is going to harm the whole nation.

First, it will harm the nation through deficit spending which only puts the nation further into debt.

and Second, it overheats and already buoyant economy causing problems where there weren't any before.

3rd ( and I consider this to be the most destructive of all) on an individual basis it steals homes from those on fixed incomes and forces them to rent out their homes and rent another place in order to write off their property taxes. So, you are going to see many older people going into tranfer trauma by having to move from a house they are used to to one that is new and strange to them in order not to lose their homes to taxes that can no longer be written off above 10,000 dollars in state taxes by the Federal Government.

4th inflation both in wages and in goods of all kinds will continue to rise along with interest rates ongoing because of  Trump's Tax Bill.

So, likely in 2009 it might have been a good idea to stimulate the economy but now it is harming everyone in extreme ways.

My wife predicted to me that the stock market would correct to around 24,400 which it has done. However, it likely is going to  drop even further now because of the increased inflation news caused by the Trump Tax Bill.

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