Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I'm noticing more software is making it more difficult to do "Begin quote from"

Software online is constantly changing in various ways. One does not always know why it is changing. My thought is that more and more programming is done "Automatically" since it is now possible to have "robotic html types of generators" which would save 90% of your time to do something else. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to everything "Automatic" just like if you have a partially self driving car you can die easier if you are not completely aware of what can happen with your technology.

In the case of HTML automatic program generators it just means "new problems" are created every time you make something more automatic. So, certain ways of programming things as well as unexpected problems are going to crop up because a person is no longer there to debug these problems in many cases just your robotic automatic html generators worldwide.

It's a case of "The squeaky wheel gets the oil" with automatic HTML type generators. So, if there is something you don't like often complaining about it might create a better result if you don't like what's happening online (or not), depending upon whether anyone is listening or cares or not. At least for now an Automatic programming generator does not care what you or I think about anything.

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