Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Is Fairness programmed to some degree into our genes?

Within a family group I think this is often true of literally every mammal species I know of including humans.

However, beyond any one family group fairness doesn't really exist. People might try to emulate it but beyond any one family group I think you begin to see various kinds of Nepotism rather than fairness.

The thing I found interesting when I went to India and Nepal in 1985 and 1986 with my family was people who have extended family almost always found a way forward even if they might not live in a complete democracy with human rights like we have seen here in the U.S.

But, people without good family connections often were begging or just dying on the streets slowly or quickly.

So, when I was in India for example, nothing seemed fair at all to me in the 1980s (1985 and 1986). This was one of the rudest awakenings I ever experienced in my life.

I remember one day walking with a Tibetan Lama near Bodhgaya, India where the Dalai Lama had given about 500,000 people and about 10,000 westerners like myself and my family the Kalachakra Tantra Initiation.

We were accompanying our friend the Tibetan Lama we had met in Santa Cruz in 1983 to a Mahasiddha Meditation cave near Bodhgaya then.

The streets were lined with thousands and thousands of Leper families with noses and fingers eaten away. There were grandparents, parents and children lepers all begging for food lining in an organized way the sides of the road leading to the meditation cave we were visiting. There were places to buy food and candy and the Tibetan Lama bought about 1000 pieces of candy and proceeded to give each person one piece of candy up to the 1000 pieces he bought a little piece of candy.

At the time I wondered the usefulness of doing this. But, for him, this was a normal thing to do to give thousands of begging lepers each a piece of candy.

I thought how no one in the U.S. then would EVER believe this experience on any level and somehow this experience (the whole experience in India and Nepal) because of incidents like this changed me forever.

After this I tried always to give something to anyone begging on earth if they seemed safe enough to give something to.

This seemed like the right attitude to have towards mankind and I have found great Good karma always coming from this attitude as long as I had enough food and money to feed my family on into the future.

By God's Grace

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