Monday, August 13, 2018

If everyone is recording everyone Inside the White House

And all nations know this is happening (by one means or another). What's to stop ANY or ALL foreign nations obtaining copies of these tapes (mostly likely on IPhones and other smart phones) from the residences of these White House Workers while they sleep?

This is a pretty common thing for foreign governments to do by the way and always has been. Only now people are carrying the devices with them wherever they go now.

And another point that might be important to understand. These recordings on Smartphones (since smartphones are the single most vulnerable security wise device you can own. (an IPhone being the least secure of them all to my knowledge at present). You wouldn't even have to go to someone's residence while they sleep to get this recording. If their phones were hacked from "Any location on earth" one could theoretically obtain these recordings (off of ANY smartphone) at any time from any location on earth.

The very fact that smartphones would be allowed inside the White House at all shows the ignorance of the Trump administration in the first place.

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