Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Why this is a Supremely important statement

"There is no need for temples,
no need for complicated philosophies
My brain and my heart are my temples;
my philosophy is kindness."

The main reason is that "Money tends to corrupt all religions".
Money creates religions into governments which then often harm the people in various ways.
This is the main reason why the U.S. decided to separate church and state in it's original organizational structure.

If there is no need for temples (or churches)
and no need for complicated philosophies,
then there is no place that money can corrupt your brain and heart.

And if your philosophy is kindness (towards yourself and all beings)
And if each person takes this philosophy as his or her own,
Then in Right mindful Kindness each educated person lives.

Then we totally will live in a Utopian world where each person is both kind enough to themselves
(so they don't become sociopaths)
And where they and kind enough to others (so they don't become murderers or torturers of humanity)
Then each person helps create a utopian world where each of us might just want to be alive in the rest of our natural lives.

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