Sunday, April 16, 2023

Religious fundamentalist thinking in most religions is caused primarily by Child Abuse worldwide

The easiest example in all religions of this problem is NOT in Islam but in the cultures that often practice Islam where the Father can kill the children if they disobey him. I can see how this came to be in patrilineal families around the world when there were tribes where something a child did might get the whole tribe killed in ancient times. (I studied Anthropology in College so this makes perfect sense if we are dealing with tribes where often life or death of a family can hang on a thread).

But, the problem with this is Iran and Arab Countries often still have this attitude.

For example, I heard a story of a man who was from Iran that when he was sent to a child counselor here in the U.S. in regard to custody of his children was asked: "What would you do if your children disobeyed you?" His immediate response is Iranian and Arab in general which was: "I would kill them!"

Obviously, he lost custody of his children when he said this here in the U.S.

From my present point of view the attitude that you can kill your own children if they disobey you is a form of child abuse (in Today's world) no matter what country you presently live in.

So, this is one of the forms of child abuse that creates Islamic Terrorists around the world from father's believing they have the right to kill their children if they disobey them.

And even though this is NOT an Islamic tenant IT IS a cultural norm practiced in the middle east for thousands of years already.

In the U.S. child abuse comes often differently like being beaten or psychologically damaged if a child doesn't go to the church of his or her parents. (Or more specifically chooses not to go to their church because they disagree with the tenants "maybe of all churches and religions".

Now, I see how this is a very tricky subject worldwide because for example:

"If your 2 1/2 year old runs into traffic and is going to die the reaction of many people would be to scare that child by beating them within an inch of their lives in order to keep them alive."

So, at what point does the child have a right to choose for themselves what they want to do?

This is completely arbitrary of course in every family worldwide.

But, for example, a father (at any point in the middle east) has the right (culturally at least) to kill his children for not doing what he wants them to do.

So, in middle eastern cultures that child might NEVER have the right to free will in anything ever.

This is why no matter what the religion worldwide I presently believe after studying psychology and Anthropology for over 50 years now that Fundamentalist thinking primarily comes from Child Abuse worldwide at this point. 

And this problem exists in All Religions including Christianity, Hinduism and all others worldwide.

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