Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Survival this Century will be a lot about your intuition and instinct 24 hours a day

 I was thinking about how I have been writing about life this century and was realizing how I have been writing is somewhat counterproductive. Why?

Because life is lived one moment at a time not a century at a time (at least for human beings).

So, maybe a more productive way to speak about all this is to say: "IF you can be in each moment with your intuition and instincts intact, this might be the single most important thing in your survival. Howver, there is something also to be said for "The Grace of God" or others might say: "Good Luck".

It's true if you are working for someone else and forced to be somewhere in your commitment of work and a tornado comes and kills you, just remember it's on you for giving up your freedom to die in that tornado.

Because of this, having your own business, being a private contractor, being empowered enough to NOT be where a tornado or a flood or a hurricane is presently occurring might be important in your survival.

So, maybe saying to you how important your independence in all your decisions in each and every moment are to your survival as a human being.

But, if you don't care whether you survive or not (I have been there too especially from about 18 to 25 years of age as a young man). So, I understand this too. But, once I had a son and got married I wasn't like this anymore. So, once you "Take Charge" of your life often you are trying to not only keep yourself alive but also your spouse or significant other and any children you are raising.

So, independence of thought and actions often allows a person to survive whatever they encounter in life. And the more "enslaved" you are by jobs or school will interfere with your survival when something serious that you sense is going to happen where you are.

So, maybe this is the single most important thing to say to all of you regarding your personal survival and the survival of your family and friends this century and beyond.

By God's Grace

However, it is important to note that the above way of looking at things will keep you and your family and friends alive. However, it will not protect anything you own from being destroyed.

But, in the end having your body and mind and spirit intact is what life is all about, not what you own. So, this is why saying it this way is more universally useful to everyone on earth. 

By God's Grace

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