Why is the wind the problem that will be the hardest to address for human beings??
Because as the planets oceans heat up as sort of like Solar Heat Batteries over time the winds will be more common above 100 mph worldwide. it's not that it will be 100 miles per hour all the time or more, it's that any place you have winds 100 mph or more you are going to start to bring down power lines, trees and houses and cars start to blow away in winds like this.
So, this would mean that people would have to travel more (underground) like in Subways far distances (because in these high winds landing and takeoff of passenger planes might not be possible during some times of the year.
I have had bad experiences already in trying to land in planes on kauai and on Maui especially. On Kauai the plane from San Francisco to Kauai to Lihue Airport basically was landing sideways just before we touched down there which likely would have been fatal to all on board except somehow just before we touched down the pilot hammered the pedals and straightened the plane out before we crashed.
Then last October we were flying from Kauai to Maui and the winds and the bumpiness below 10,000 feet were off the charts. So, when the pilot tried to land at Kahului Airport on Maui the pilot could not land and had to fly all the way around the island again before barely being able to land on the 2nd try. As a pilot myself watching all this was pretty terrifying knowing how dangerous the situation was that we were in.
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