Monday, September 2, 2024

Galactic timeline 1 and Timeline 2 reminds me somewhat of Earth's Timeline 1 and Timeline 2

 How you might say?

Well. Timeline 1 of both Earth and the Galaxy is a disaster in that Timeline 1 on earth is the end of human civilization from September 11th 2001 until around 6000 AD.

In Timeline 1 the ordered timelines of the Galaxy were destroyed so Timeline 2 goes back now 77 million years BC where a new timeline for the whole Galaxy has been created. So, I'm thinking that both timeline 1 and timeline 2 still both exist but only on both the Timeline 2s are things relatively okay.

For example, Earth's timeline 2 which is what we apparently are presently on is sort of okay because all nuclear wars have been eliminated through time alterations so we here in 2024 are okay and no nuclear wars or serious nuclear accidents beyond a survivable point have occurred at least so far.

However, we still are having to deal with Global Climate changes which are sort of the way Earth's ecology protects itself much in the same way people protect themselves by getting innoculations from things like Covid and other things. So, in that sense at least humans are a form of Covid to the planet in some ways which Earth needs to innoculate herself against.

However, it's not that all humans need to be gone from the planet for the planet's ecology to survive just most of them will be gone by 2100 AD except for those who choose to live under ground or under the oceans one of the two or potentially at this point (In Space) in cities circling our planet and watching the view back here on earth as it changes over time.

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