Monday, September 2, 2024

The Scientific Method is the primary way I define my reality

 Basically, because of the way I was raised in the Saint German Foundation with Saint German being defined as Francis Bacon who was the Father of the Scientifc Method I learned to define my reality also by the Scientific method of Hypotheses, Theories and Laws.

So, when I break down reality into it's component parts I define it scientifically using the Scientific method. For example, one of the ideas of Mrs. Ballard in the Saint Germain Foundation was that animals were created by what she called "Black Magicians". However, I also realized she was very Victorian in era and in thinking when I met her many times because I was the son of her Los Angeles Church ministers from 1954 until 1960 (so for me I was 6 to 12 years old) during this period of time. So, when she said that animals were created by Black Magicians this didn't sound right to me obviously so eventually I realized there were many flaws to this way of thinking. Another flaw is what all cults do to retain membership and power (as well as larger religions of a billion or more people). They try to scare people into donating money by saying: "If you aren't a member of this religion then you and your family are all going to hell."

This is standard fare for all religions large and small to scare people into giving them their money and making them stay in the church with their families. 

However, this isn't working anymore for people like myself who have actually been to college and have learned to apply the scientific method to everything in their lives including their religions.

So, as a result religions have become more of a cultural thing and less what people actually believe worldwide, especially among people who have been to college and studied various different disciplines and professions worldwide.

So, the one of the single most important things to my physical survival as a human being in a body here on earth was to realize that all religions and churches are in some ways "Fatally Flawed".

This doesn't mean you love any of these people any less, it only means that you as a college educated adult see these people as dear children that you know that need things you no longer need in your life.

You don't really hate them because you have evolved past this way of thinking to something better in your life.

And if you are Spiritual but not religious like me then you know exactly what I'm talking about as you travel the world and experience all the different religious and cultural viewpoints worldwide.

By God's Grace

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