Thursday, September 5, 2024

Safe in Mt. Shasta!

 If you were wondering why I wasn't blogging today it's because I was driving north with my wife to Mt. Shasta. I had wanted to spend 4th of July in Mt.Shasta for the parade and fireworks and small town Charm for a 4th of July. However, I got Bronchitis from not wearing a mask while in Black bear Diner while taking my 1st wife (1973 to summer of 1977) out for dinner. However, I wasn't adjusted to the altitude yet because I'm 76 and got Bronchitis and it felt almost all July that I was going to die when I returned home to the Northern Coast of California. However, I recovered before August so that's good.

So, I haven't been able to come up to Mt. Shasta for one reason or another since late June of 2024 which is a long time for me at this age (because none of us knows how many summers (or winters) we have left in us for sure. So whether it's 1 year or a 1000 years enjoying what you can while you still can is a good thing. (Praying a lot and getting exercise and eating Organic Food and good Health care professionals goes a long way to long term survival too.

Redding was 106 degrees Fahrenheit today when we came through there and Santa Nella around 100 to 101. So, the whole Sacramento Valley was mostly above 100 degrees today anywhere you went.

It was nice to see Shasta Dam and San Luis Reservoir with enough water in it this time of year because San Luis Reservoir almost dried up a few years ago now. 

However, I think some geologist said that even if Mt. Shasta didn't get any rain or snow for 5 years that water would still come out of the porous Volcanic rocks that are the basis of the Mountain. EVen at 12,000 or 13,000 feet there is a Sulphur Springs that someone stayed for several years at as a protest of the Viet nam War I remember too now that I think of it.

Anyway it's good to be here in Mt. Shasta again before it starts really snowing here once again. (even though that can be really nice too especially if you are a skier or snowboarder!

IT was 97 today here in Mt. Shasta but it is presently 72 degrees Fahrenheit at 7 pm Thursday.

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