Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sharing my personal Experience of our universe has been amazing for me!

I have really enjoyed being able to share my experience with the universe in Writing "A Journey Through Time" over the last few months. I have noticed it is very popular at this site because many people are reading what I write on this subject from around the world.

In some ways this is a scientific study sort of like a Galactic Anthropological Study except that it isn't about human beings as much as the beings who create Galaxies who sometimes inhabit the bodies of humans on earth. So, in this sense it reminds me of the Zeus Pantheon where Hercules comes to earth and all that and is supposed to be half man half God or something like that or Odin and Thor same way.

It's true in order for it to make any sense at all to you I have to anthropomorphise a lot for you to get the fullness of what is actually happening that can be converted into a human context.

Trying to write about real beings (who are actually the souls of you and me) is a bit much to even attempt and it has taken me until now when I'm 76 to fully be able to do this even now. I had to think about all this for about 56 years or more since my first experience of Soul Traveling to the Galactic Core and only now am I fully able to write about it in a more effective way. Luckily I am a third generation or more story teller so I am better able than most people to say these things in a somewhat articulate way that need to be said.

I think people might be less afraid of death now here on earth if they read and take seriously what I'm writing here.

I myself have faced death many times since 1998 and each time God has sort of raised me from the Dead like Lazarus so this must be important to God that I write all this for you.

By God's Grace

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