Monday, September 23, 2024

This True story likely also means the legendary story of Milarepa is factual

Here is my unbelievable true story first:

It was December of 1985 then and I was at the Kalachakra Initiation given by the Dalai Lama to the 500,000 Tibetan Buddhists present. It is recommended for all Tibetan Buddhists to receive this initiation by the Dalai Lama before they pass on. It is about the King of Shambala and entering into this Heaven place over the Gobi Desert they say when you pass on to be with the King of Shambala in his Kingdom there.

As I remember the Initiation was 4 days long. It began each morning for the 500,000 people present and ended hours later in the day. After the 4 days someone said to me: "For this initiation to be valid and meaningful it has to rain on the assembeled people below at the end of this initiation.

I looked around me and it was a hot dry day with not one cloud in the sky. As the initiation ended sure enough one little cloud the exact same size as the 500,000 people formed above us and it rained upon us all gathered there. My mind (from a western point of view) was blown away completely because this shouldn't be able to actually happen like this!

Later, I was in Dharamsala where His Holiness the Dalai Lama lives at around 6000 feet and I was speaking with a monk Thubten who was now a mountain Climbing Guide for westerners. I told him the story of the cloud and the rain at the end of the Initiation with the Dalai Lama.

He smiled at me and said, "Do you see that guy over there in the white robes?"

I said: "Yes."

He said, "Well. That was the guy that did that at the end of the initiation."

I was amazed as you would be too.

Now, the next story because of this and many other experiences I had in India and Nepal makes complete sense to me too:

This is the last of what I have written about Adam and Arcane so far:

begin quote from:


Adam: "I like writing stuff more than anything and now I can write about factual things not just fictitious things too."

Arcane: "However, people on earth depending upon what time they live in are in various different types of awarenesses. So, you have to be compassionate to them in the way you tell the truth about everything."

Adam: "That's very complicated Arcane."

Arcane: "Yes. But, it's necessary for them to be able to benefit from what is actually written. I want you to know about a historical person on Earth. His name is Milarepa which is one of the most endearing souls of Tibet's history.

Adam: "I have heard of him. Why do you want me to study him?"

Arcane: "He was tortured by his uncle after his father died and his uncle stole the father's money and made Milarepa and his mother and sister his slaves instead of doing what his brother wanted in helping his wife and daughter and Milarepa.

Adam: "That's awful! It sounds horrific!"

Arcane: "And yet, Milarepa survived all this and so did his mother and sister."

Adam: "What happened next?"

Arcane: "His mother wanted revenge upon the Uncle for stealing their money and wealth and enslaving her and Milarepa and his sister so she hired a Sorcerer to teach Milarepa to do things to the Uncle and his family. So, one day during a wedding Milarepa brought down a hail storm which collapsed the wedding roof and it killed all the people including his uncle at the wedding."

Adam: "This is for real?"

Arcane: "Yes. it's unfortunate but true. Then Milarepa felt great sadness for what he had done to protect his mother and sister and wanted to become a monk studying with Marpa the Translator and spent most of the rest of his life meditating in caves in the Himalayas to expiate his sin of murdering all these people who had wronged his mother and sister and himself."

Adam: "All this seems pretty crazy but very human like in the way all this happened, especially after what I saw during the time of Jesus with you recently at the "Sermon of the Mount". I wanted to throw up it was so bad for the people then in the Middle East."

Arcane: "Now you are getting the idea, Adam. It's about trying to help everyone and not just about revenge or suicide."

Adam: "Sometimes revenge and suicide are combined in people's lives."

Arcane: "Yes. But, I'm teaching you to overcome all this and become more Christian and Buddhist in your thinking where you think about others needs first."

Adam: "But, if I think of other's needs first how do I survive?"

Arcane: "Adam. Get Real! You are one of the biggest stars in the Galaxy near the Black hole. Basically you may live 32 billion years like your father. You are pretending to be a human being and I am teaching you how to be a good human being here like me. Just think of me as your father teaching you all this because I am a part of your father here right in front of you now."

Adam began to cry in the full realization of all this.

Adam: "You are saving me and helping me become like you, Father."

Arcane: "Yes."


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