Sunday, September 1, 2024

What is the hardest thing about writing for me?

 For me, everyone is different but once I can get into the right mode for writing it is usually a potential 24 hours a day mode until something else happens or something big in my life interrupts my writing process.

The hardest initial thing is to get to a point where there is something I know I want to write about and I get what needs to be said, and then trying to get enough initial time to be set aside in your life to write.

It takes a lot of commitment to write longer things like Short Stories or a whole Book and each one of us has their own way and style how to do this. Some people try to write Longhand. Many of the most famous writers liked to do this and probably many still do. However, for me this isn't very useful for me now at age 76 I find. I prefer to type on a laptop or desktop computer since I can now write about as fast as I can talk.

But, some people want to write longhand (just like I did for the first few pages of Arcane in 1980 when I came back from the Pine Grove Health food store in Mt. Shasta. (now moved to near post office and is called Berryvale now in Mt. Shasta.) So, I had a brown large grocery bag (likely two of them) from walking home from there about 6 blocks away. I got a pen because it was a beautiful day not too hot or too cold with a wonderful full view of Mt. Shasta and only a few wispy clouds int he sky every here and there and I started writing with a pen on a grocery bag.

This was a whole new way of writing in this style and I loved what I had come up with and my writing style has stayed something like that every since then. I was 32 in 1980 and I really liked what I wrote.

I think what I would call my style is a Legendary style of writing which works for me to express what I want to say about life in this galaxy and life in this universe in any time I am writing about past, present or future.

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