Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Democracy works best in times of plenty like we had from around 1950 here in the U.S. and Europe until I think about 2000. Then things started to change because of Global Climate change where food started to become more expensive.

It's sort of like "Lifeboat theory" If you don't have a lifeboat in the ocean you likely aren't going to survive because the sharks are going to eat you eventually or something else will happen to you without food or water or something to float on.

So, in tough times people are less giving might be the best word. They (especially the white elite) worldwide start thinking like "Well. maybe we should let all the other races just die of starvation or global warming. However, we have to find a way to stay alive don't we?"

This likely is the basis of a lot of White Christian Nationalist thinking which is sort of a NAZI way of thinking where ONLY White Males are allowed to vote for anything.

We are also experiencing this in the U.S. through state voting rules changing in places like Georgia where if you aren't white you might not be allowed to vote at all there. And Georgia isn't the only state like this either.

So, because food is becoming too expensive for many people they are starting to think about keeping their families alive and less about how to keep other groups or races alive now.

It's sort of like: " Every man or woman for himself or herself" which leads (among the more elite white Nationalists worldwide to a more NAZI way of thinking that we saw in Hitler's Germany during World War II.

But, even Hitler arose to power because German people were suffering because of the ways that Germany was punished by other European nations because of World War I.

So, basically World War I caused World War II because of how badly Germany was treated after World War I.

Basically everything affects everything and anything out of balance is going to cause mass deaths in various different ways on into the future of this Century too.

Since Global Climate changes are killing more people every day it is likely that the Far Right White Nationalists and other Nazi Versions worldwide will increase exponentially as people get more paranoid about how they are going to survive these times where food is so expensive worldwide.

And it doesn't help that Netanyahu is acting Just like Hitler did at this point either where it is only he that is important not his people or his nation.

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