Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Writing: Regarding Channeling

 If you are a writer that can channel the most important question might be: "Who are you channeling? and why are they channeling through you? And "Do you want to be channeling at all?"

These are important questions to ask. 

For example, a question I sometimes ask is: "Was a lot of this information downloaded into me during my experience with the UFO on Mt. Shasta in 1974 that I didn't fully remember until around 2002 because I asked that I forget what had happened so I could have a normal life raising my son and they agreed."

So, for me, I sometimes ask: "What was all that about anyway?" And what I have come up with so far is that it's pretty much as I have shared with you already as long as you know I'm  anthropomorphising beings who literally are energy beings who feed on the energy conversion of stars is beyond the understanding of most humans on earth who are not physicists to begin with. And even then it would be them understanding how something like this is possible and not the consciousness of an energy being that lives inside a star while they feed on the energy after their relatives created the galaxy so this could happen.

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