Tuesday, August 21, 2018

software is unpredictable when run through automatic coders

As you can see the last article likely didn't load right so that you would have to use the URL to actually see the article loaded right on your medium of reception.

This happens a lot when software is from different programmers around the world. I'm not sure why this happens but it does. I'm not programming here in HTML or a compatible online language but rather I'm using automatic coders to convert everything to this site. So, I never know for sure how it is all going to turn out and sometimes I have to delete the whole article if it is too bad to to anything with at all depending upon the source.

Sometimes, I try to leave a word button in this case but sometimes a word button then will take you to somewhere where they want to charge you for the article. I usually delete this sort of article from my site too as I want you to get everything free through this site. Sometimes I can go to another source when this happens and sometimes it isn't practical to do that either.

I left the last article the way it was because it's an important thing for people to know that Russia is attacking online various U.S. conservative groups. When any group: liberal, moderate or conservative is under attack here in the U.S. by a foreign power it's good for ALL of us to know that we are under attack of whatever political persuasion we are so that we can all align against this attack. Because the Attack is on our nation and our democracy. It's not okay to be like Trump who accepts foreign help because that just corrupts our whole democratic system completely.

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