Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Answering a question about Soul Travel and Panic Attacks

I came across this post when I was searching for soul travel and panic attacks. At night sometimes I wake up with a panic attack, and I have an intutitive feeling it's due to my soul traveling, but I can't remember anything. I do believe all of what intuitivefred says here, but it doesn't scare me. I agree 100% that most people don't know this and it scares them if you tell them. Mostly, they would just think you're crazy. Everyone will find out in their own time anyway. on My Experience of Soul Travel
An anonymous visitor was reading (word button above) "My Experience of Soul Travel" and left this comment. I came across it again tonight and thought I might write something helpful to people having panic attacks around soul travel.
I think it is important when dealing with all this to be as holistic as possible and to not be fragmented when dealing with this kind of issue in your life. For some people prayer or meditation helps to bring all of a person into one place or state of consciousness. This can be helpful. Even though I found after God allowed me to Consciously Soul travel that ultimately  Time and space are not ultimately real but much more like going to a movie more than anything else. Though this might be disturbing to many people to understand this nevertheless it appears to be a fact of life. Before I experienced this I always thought it took effort to get from point A to point B. However, then once I realized that time and space were not ultimately real and that the ultimate state of the universe is only Being and States of Consciousness and that there really is only one Being present in the universe that some call God then the whole universe and all universes and all time and space could be seen as a serious game that God plays with himself to entertain himself or herself or itself. But if you want to be able to live in a physical body here on earth and not just die you at the very least have to pretend that living in a human body here on earth is real or else you will die. So, I pretend that the human body that my soul presently resides in is real because that appears to be what God wants me to do. However, at core I experience the truth. In fact, this appears to be the ultimate defense mechanism for someone who has mastered this realization of truth. If someone attacks you in any way all you have to do is to undo physical reality into pure being which is okay for you because you know the truth. I think Jesus did stuff like this and Buddha and many others as well.

When I studied with Tibetan Lamas they explained to me how important with all this it is that you not accidentally literally scare people to death who aren't ready to experience all this. So, out of politeness you try to protect their sensibilities so they don't die of panic or heart attacks if the full truth of being becomes evident to them suddenly.

Later: The following are things that I learned mostly after soul traveling over 10 years when I first started to study with Native American Medicine Men and Tibetan Lamas in the U.S., India and Nepal. What I learned that I didn't know before regarding soul travel is just how many gifted people in all cultures do this. That was the first thing that became obvious to me. So, this means that thousands to millions of people worldwide are aware when they soul travel and what it is. So, you have all 7 billion people soul traveling and not really knowing that every time they think about anything they are soul traveling and then you have millions or more people who do understand what is happening. So, the question actually becomes whether all these conscious soul travelers are nice and polite and civilized. The answer is "Yes" usually if they are sane. And here is the rub. It only takes one insane person or one person out for revenge sort of like a man with a gun out there to make it difficult for everyone else. Because usually people who misuse these gifts from God are going to die badly within a few years or less, they can create a great deal of havoc for anyone they become aware of. So, having your spiritual protection and angels helping you is very important in regard to all this. People who are agnostic or atheistic actually are safer in this respect than people who are not. The problem with being agnostic or atheistic is accidents often happen to them that maim them or kill them often because they do not know how to ask for help or won't ask for help and so very often they are maimed or die unnecessarily. This just tends to be a pragmatic fact of life. And Agnostic or atheistic people wind up usually as ghosts and earthbound after they die which usually isn't fun. I have walked through graveyards and seen their gray blobs of protoplasm above their graves. "Their souls say things like, 'I don't believe in God so I must be dead'. If you don't believe you don't get rescued until you do as a soul. This is very problematic for many souls but also the way things happen.

I talked to a lady raised in San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles County California who stayed in the Yucatan in Mexico and met one of these ghosts who likely was a pirate or criminal when her mother rented a place near the ocean in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. Everyone in the area knows the Ghost is there because he haunts everyone who goes and stays at this particular house. Many have seen him walk up out of the ocean like something from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies (no kidding!). Also, the lady said she was 14 or 15 at the time and she felt the male ghost in her room and touching her legs and thighs and pulled the covers up above her head. Later when she had convinced her mother to leave this place she stepped on a human jawbone that was outside the house and freaked out from that too. So, possibly either this guy was murdered there or he was there because he murdered a bunch of people there. But either way, to say this guy is a dead ghost atheist is very likely. Because people who have experienced God don't usually act this way because they have the fear of God or at least the respect for God and all his creations. Whereas sometimes Ghosts don't believe in anything but their own power and think about people sort of like ants and treat them like most people treat ants. And it is not fun to be on the receiving end of this kind of thing if you don't have spiritual protection of some kind.

As a result of this I have learned to only soul travel if God gives me a mission because once I went out just exploring for no really good reason but that I was bored and almost died soul traveling, even though I had been doing this for about 15 years consciously. After that experience I decided that this is not stuff to play around with. It actually is for people who are spiritual pilgrims or people who are monks, nuns, ministers and other people who have dedicated themselves to helping other people and helping souls get to where they need to go by God's Grace.

One of the most interesting things is that I was allowed to experience the Heaven realms around Earth. I wasn't allowed to go in but I was allowed to look in. And what I found completely surprised me and permanently changed me. It turns out that every religion and belief system has its own set of heavens for those of that belief and even subsections for people who die in a given area and era so they can be together if they wish. So, I found this to be very surprising on one level and yet very logical on another level. Every religion based upon some form of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" has a heaven." And people who kill people just because of their religion don't usually have a nice experience afterwards when they die. So, reality is way different than almost any religion seems to say. I think the main reason for this is money. If priests and ministers didn't tell people that they can't get to heaven except in the specific religion or church the priests and ministers of all religions couldn't make a living and feed their families too. So, I think this is really sad for everyone. Because even though Priests and ministers can then feed themselves and their families it really is going to confuse people when they die and find out that literally every religion has heavens. And Beyond that even people who are good to others generally are okay in the after life. Only people who are  bad to others and themselves seem to have problems after death.

Later: The reason that I write like this is that even if you are not presently experiencing all this eventually in this lifetime or after or at some future time likely you will have to deal with all this. So, in the meantime if all this freaks you out just pretend it is like Greek Mythology or something like that that is entertaining to study. Actually, Greek Mythology I have found to be sort of a hidden message of the way things are in some ways. Each culture tries to describe what they universe is. And in some ways they all are right. It is like 9 blind man describing through their touching an elephant what it is while they touch different parts. That is what I have found to be true.

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