Monday, August 4, 2014

A state of Transition

I think the world has always been changing but not at the present speed of change. So, the whole world is sort of going through "whiplash" like one has in a car accident now at the present rate of change.

For example, we all thought Arab Spring would bring stability through democracy into the middle East.

However, that mostly hasn't happened because history was not on that side which is extremely disappointing to the whole world.

Infrastructure has to be in place for democracies to be successful. And history has to have brought enough trust about in the people with each other to make that actually work. But, if there is not enough institutional trust then there is only corruptness and the people easily lose faith in that new government and democracy loses and so do families and law abiding people.

If we look at cowboy movies and the cattle barons who tried to drive out all the farmers and sheep herders we get the same idea of what happens to many new fledgling democracies without a more stable east Coast government like we had then to stabilize the frontiers of the U.S.

Democracy doesn't come from nothing and appear suddenly out of nowhere and work. It might work a few months or even one year but then real trust and checks and balances have to be put into place or the whole thing falls apart sort of like when a truck tire gets too hot and explodes off a big rig on the freeway.

So, the transition we all seem to be dealing with all over earth is: "Can we survive global climate change and have civilization still work without so many countries reducing to gangs and warlordism once again?"

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