Thursday, August 14, 2014

If you are sending off a kid to college for the first time

Here's the problem: In order to get your kid off to college and to keep your relationship intact
with your child it might be difficult. Because it is with us too.

The issue looks something like this: In order to leave their comfortable nest likely they are going to have to be mad at you or angry at you regarding something in order not to cry when they leave home (some for the last time).

So, it is very important that even if they burn their bridges with you that you be very careful what you say to them so you don't burn your bridges with them so You can have an ongoing relationship with them no matter what mistakes they might make in what they say to you.

Otherwise, you might never see or hear from them ever again. This is something for all of us to think long and hard about.

If you want an ongoing healthy relationship with your kids you have to be a very big person in how you communicate with them right now.

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