Monday, August 4, 2014

Octopus Visions

Last night either while I was going to sleep or while asleep (it is always hard to be sure) but either way this recorded on my memories so I  can speak of it or write of it.

I was aware of communicating with an octopus. In this vision the octopus let me know that if I put my wrists together I could approximate (palms together) what it was like to be an Octopus by wiggling my fingers while my inside wrists were together. At this point when I realized I was actually experiencing what it felt like to be an octopus I realized I must be communicating with Flame, the Time Traveling Octopus that first contacted me when I was taking a bath in Kahului, Maui, Hawaii in 1989.

At that time I named him Flame as an anthropomorphic way for me to be able to relate to an alien culture (in this life) for me to relate to. It would have been like for you to realize that "Guardians of the Galaxy" which many of you saw or will see and to try and take in all the cultural nuances in a few minutes. It's very difficult because you aren't even starting with air breathing humans, you are starting with a sentient brilliant Octopus genetically engineered by future human beings on earth and beyond.

So, at first "Flame" tried to have me experience what being an octopus is like directly, however, this was a bit much for me even though he mostly succeeded. My brain was starting to feel pretty different at this point and so he went with Plan B so I could experience it with the palms and hands together routine joined at the inside wrists with the fingers moving.

Except we have 10 fingers and he has 8 tentacles.

If you are interested in learning more about "Flame" and his son which I call "Purple Flame" I'll give you a word button for that.

However, one of the things he said last night was that they are many colors and I remembered how they can change colors like a chameleon to match whatever they need to whenever appropriate.

I still believe that Octopi are even present day the single most intelligent type of physical being in the ocean if you eliminate the air breathers like Sea Elephants, Whales, dolphins etc. However, in the future likely through genetic engineering Octopi will become at least as intelligent as humans are if not more so. However, because they are underwater beings their intelligence tends to go in more appropriate directions for their long term survival on earth and on other planets in the future in an ocean water environment. This is  my word button for information on Flame at which is my archive website for longer things I write:

Here are some other things I either quoted etc. about Octopi recently:
and here is an experience two men had at Point Lobos with a 10 foot tall Octopus I believe this year:

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