Saturday, August 23, 2014

The U.S. is having more of an economic problem than a racial problem

Because I'm 66 years old and remember all the way back to about 1950 when I was 2 years old I think I can address this.

The racial problems caused by Ferguson are not just in Ferguson they are also in every impoverished town where poor people live.

The way I see it when the Civil rights legislation was first passed during the Viet Nam War by President Johnson we were as wealthy (the average person) as we had ever been as a country ever.

So, part of this was to share the largesse of the wealth of the U.S. through all races which we did.

However, this all began to change after 9-11. The 3 trillion dollars spent on warfare changed all this during the Bush Administration. I don't think that money or the lives were used that efficiently or effectively. It was based too much on the generated panic of the American people by the media.

This caused the waste of most of it doing ineffective and not useful things.

Now, we are paying the price through the Great Recession for that wastefulness and people are starving without jobs here in the U.S. because of it.

We are simply paying the price now (the poor of all races in the U.S. and the world) are paying the price of the U.S. and Europe responding to a genuine threat with way too much money and not enough efficiency.

Now, we must be efficient at everything or we won't be a nation "Of the free by the free and for the free" much longer.

If we aren't very very efficient now we will just become another banana republic dictatorship oligarchy which is what we look like already with the 7 to 15% approval of the U.S. Congress by all the American people.

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