Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Not much building of homes and buildings going on in Russia now

Both Russia and the U.S. are having infrastructure problems. In the U.S. it is gas mains being 50 or more years old and sometimes cracking, gases getting lit by cigarettes going by or friction or backfires from cars and the like and blowing up. Also, in the U.S. bridges rusting out and collapsing and also roads not being maintained properly nationwide.

Though this is happening likely also in Russia in Russia it is more about nothing much is being built so if you travel Russia almost everything was built before the Soviet Union Collapsed because there just hasn't been money to build new things for people or even to maintain older structures much either there. The biggest priority has had to be just feeding the people so they all didn't just starve to death since around 1990.

The last time we made major investments into infrastructure was during the Eisenhower adminstration when we built Freeways nationwide in order to allow people to escape during nuclear blasts in various cities. So, it they had enough warning that they could all drive away quickly or get in buses to get away from all the mayhem.

So, this is how initially big freeways across the U.S. got built.

So, infrastructure of different kinds is the problem both the U.S. and Russia are having now.

In the U.S. it is the high cost of labor and materials that prevents maintaining infrastructure. In Russia it is that the price of oil is so low it is harming the government to help the people there now.

So, it is likely we will begin to see unrest there over time because of this.

In the U.S. people aren't starving here and things are still being built but our highways and bridges are crumbling or rusting away for the most part and our old (over 50 year old gas mains) are blowing up one by one across the nation.

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