Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Political Correctness is lying

This is an important point for us all to look at.

So, it might be useful to say that: "Donald Trump is America's group karma for so many lies."

You might say: "What?"

Let me explain it this way. I'm an intuitive and I grew up hearing people's thoughts as a little child aware of such things from about 2 years old. What made me scared as a little person was what people thought was NEVER what people actually said.

It took me until I was about 15 to make sense of this and it is one of the reasons why I tend to not trust people when I first meet them because I know what people actually think in their core about everything.

But, it turns out what people actually think is not really as important as you might think. Because "Actions speak louder than words". So, as an intuitive I know what people are thinking and that is always difficult to deal with. Then, however, it isn't what they think that is important it is what they do. So, when I first meet people I'm uncomfortable because I'm sure of what they are thinking but not what they are actually going to say or do. This is why I'm uncomfortable at first when I meet people.

So, within 5 minutes time it is sort of like "Oh. You're going to play it this way (no matter what you really think)"

So, that is very uncomfortable for me trying to figure out which way they are going to play their relationship with me despite what they might really think at core.

But then, political correctness makes this whole thing even more twisted and adds a whole new layer of twistedness because it forces people to act in ways they wouldn't ordinarily choose to act. So, it really pisses people off and makes them kind of crazy at core.

So, my thought is that Trump is all our group karma from forced political correctness to the point where people are crazy from it all.

So, this is what I think you and I need to think about because political correctness makes it impossible for anyone to actually be at all honest about anything anymore.

So, we wind up with real liars like Trump saying and doing almost anything. Because we all know he is a complete asshole but we listen to him because he is refreshing. Because at least he is saying what he believes even if it is completely crazy a lot of the time.

So, here we are where CRAZY is preferable to political Correctness which also makes us all crazy too.

By the way by the time I was 15 I realized why no one ever says exactly what they think ever. It's because we would all have killed each other by the time we were 20. So, there is something to be said for politeness. However, political correctness takes politeness to such a level that all truth is completely lost and everything becomes ridiculous and insane like the world is right now with Trump in it.

So, how do we develop enough honesty in our lives to survive without killing each other?

This I think is the main problem we are dealing with here in America.

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