Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Putin is a very complex and interesting man

Here in the U.S. Putin is often cast as a boogeyman like we used to cast Soviet Leaders in the past.

But, he is much more complex than that. So, thinking about him like that really isn't useful unless you are trying to create a war with him.

His interests are only what is good for mother Russia. But, being angry at him for that is sort of like being angry at Californians because they defend California. It's sort of ridiculous. Why wouldn't he want what is best for Russia?

Why wouldn't I want what is best for California?

That Putin is interfering in U.S. elections for me is a no brainer because he has been doing this in Europe and around the world for some time. He had to get good at this somewhere and so he started in Europe because they were less likely to nuke him than the U.S.

So, now he has  perfected in European elections interfering with the electoral process for over 10 years now.

So, should we be surprised he is trying to get Trump into office?

Is there collusion between Putin and Trump?

OF course. Trump is only about power so he can be bought and I believe he has already been bought and paid for by Putin.

To not realize this is going on is to be sort of ridiculous at this point.

What I find Amazing is that it is a Republican presidential candidate who has been bought and paid for by Putin.

After the Cold War this would have been thought impossible.

But, now it is happening.

Reagan and Eisenhower are turning over in their graves about now.

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