Tuesday, January 24, 2017

No one in my immediate family smoked or drank

However, at many points in life I dealt with friend's families that were completely messed up in various ways from alcohol. Or worse yet, alcohol and valium. My best friend from age 6, His wife mixed (unfortunately) Alcohol and muscle relaxant and then decided to go for a swim in their pool in Los Angeles and came home from work and found her floating  and that's right she had died.  I knew her well and he wasn't exactly right ever after that happened. He passed away in 2006 at around 60 years of age.

But, my father and mother were ministers and in charge of a church in Los Angeles between 1954 when I was 6 and 1960 when I was 12. At that point my mother had a nervous breakdown because of her father's death and completely unresolved issues with him.

When my father passed away when I was 37 I wasn't completely right in some ways until I was 50 and had to not die for 8 months from a heart virus. Then I had to let go of Middle Aged Crazy and just learn to be grateful for each moment I had left in life and realized God had given me "The Leisure to Practice" which I had been praying for since around 1980 once I had discovered what it actually was. It is praying without ceasing and having the time to do this and staying in an enlightened state 24 hours a day if possible and living surrounded by angels all the time. So, basically you are living in heaven right here on earth.

This is possible if you work for it every day.

By God's Grace

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