Friday, March 24, 2017

And for our Next Act: MSNBC Title for Trump and Ryan's Republican debacle today

The world is watching as Trump and Ryan Blow it on repealing and Replacing Obamacare.

The support for this repeal and replace bill was only 17% of Americans.

IN other words either people really hated this bill or really didn't understand what it did, except for the 17% that thought they liked it because they never read it in the first place.

This was likely the worst bill of it's kind regarding healthcare ever written because it was not and never was written for any of the actual needs of the middle Class or poor.

And the consequences for this is Trump's popularity is still in the 30% percentile in the affirmative.

But, think about this for a moment even the 30% were only 17% convinced this bill was a good idea and likely none of them had ever really read it?

So, "And for our Next Act---"

This is a totally reactionary Republican Party and a totally reactionary presidency and neither obviously is "Ready for Primetime".

Neither of them are actual governing bodies. They are at best


"You know. As In Fake NEWS!"

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