Sunday, March 26, 2017

Where did Rugged individualism come from?

It is an attitude that comes from realizing most people are just crazy and you need to just take care of yourself because no one else is going to. It served us well from the founding fathers and pioneers on down to the present. However, it is not about politeness it is about getting things done. And sometimes rugged individualists are going to rub people the wrong way and there are going to be at the very least verbal conflicts.

However, just remember this is how this country evolved into what it is today. This is where our freedoms come from. This is how the basic stuff all got done.

But, it is based upon not politeness but in realizing everyone is sort of crazy so you just have to take care of yourself and our own family. And most people were still like this in the 1950s. But, my generation and the Viet Nam War and Ecology and Equal Rights started changing all this to something else.

Is this something else better? I would say not really. I think in some ways the way people communicated and if they disagreed just hit each other or clubbed each other was better than what we have going on now. because now is just a polite lie and nothing else.

But, it's true that people suffered then sometimes in serious ways. However, you cannot tell me that people aren't also suffering now in amazing ways too. It just that now people are suffering more from just the polite lies they tell each other which is just driving many people slowly or quickly insane.

So, the problem now is that people are suffering maybe the same amount now but in just different ways.  In some ways nothing has changed at all but the way people talk to each other in polite lies all the time.

You will notice worldwide that the more people live per square mile (anywhere worldwide) the more polite they must become so everyone doesn't just kill each other.

However, the real problem with this is if everyone is so polite they are lying to each other about everything, nothing truthful is ever really said by anyone to anyone ever.

And societies at some point cease to function entirely (or they all start killing each other) (at some point) One or the other.

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