Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Hawaiians long called cooled lava that hurt your barefeet to walk on a' a' pronounced "Ah Ah"

Ah Ah as in ouch ouch it hurts my bare feet to walk on. Just like eskimos in Alaska have many many names for different types of snow and ice and conditions, Hawaiians who have lived for a thousand years or more with lava coming out from somewhere on the islands (usually the south of the big island) have developed names like "a'a' for ouch it hurts to walk on lava even when cooled with bare feet.

So a' a' lava is a name used by vulcanologists around the world now.  pahoehoe lava can be found also and is another name for a different type of lava. (pahoehoe lava has a smooth and twisted surface).

Slow-moving front of an a'a' lava flow on Etna (Nov. 2002).Channelled a'a' lava flow on Etna (Sept. 2004).
thm_etna_3909.jpgClose-up of a'a' lava (Etna, Sept. 2004)A'a' lava flow menacing the Sapienza tourist station (Etna, July 2001)Huge a'a' lava flow from Hekla volcano in 2000.

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