Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Global Warming likely will prevent human extinction

The Golden City Heaven or simply the Golden Heaven now surrounds the whole world and is for the express purpose of making it easier to transition into heaven as more and more people check out of their bodies and into heaven this century because of the combination of earth changes and Global warming. The epicenter for this heaven on earth now is California. It started on Mt. Shasta in 2011 when it was decided by The Solar Logos that beings who would be leaving earth now as souls would need a more efficient way to transition out of their bodies. Human activity and other causes has created Global Warming growing in exponential ways now as we all can see in the news. So, as people check out daily now through earth changes and weather changes, pray for them to have a better time in their transitions worldwide.

There doesn't seem to be a way right now to presently stop global warming because too many people are like Trump in denying Global Warming for monetary reasons. But, karma likely will take them out this century until they are no more. And all that will be left are people who find various different ways to survive global warming. Everyone else will be gone by the end of this century and the end of the next century.

It's important to understand this now. If a semi truck is coming down the road, "Do you stand in the middle of the road or do you find a way to get out of it's way?"

All the people (for whatever the reason) that stand in the middle of the road pretending everything is okay will die or be maimed. This is a given now.

The people who figure out a way to get out of it's way will be the ONLY ones who survive from now on.

This is very simply said because this is the way it is now.

The Golden Heaven is now for all people not capable (for ANY reason) of  getting out of the way of the Semi Truck of Global Warming bearing down on them. There is no reason for debate with anyone. There is only time now to save yourselves and that's all and everyone else will be gone this century or the next. This is the reality we all now live with here on earth.

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