Wednesday, December 19, 2018

"And spark a wild selloff by Stocking concerns" is the important line here

People who actually understand national economics are relieved that Powell has raised interest rates. Any deviation from this plan likely would have made things much worse in the stock market. Trump is all over the place because he sees it all about him. He doesn't care what happens to the average person in the U.S. he only cares what happens to him.If he doesn't get re-elected in 2020 likely he goes to jail anyway. But Powell IS actually thinking about what is best for the U.S. and World economy.
partial quote from:
The president's repeated remarks have put his Fed chairman in an awkward position amid signs of economic softening and weeks of market volatility that have shaken the broad consensus that rates must go up.
Any deviation from that plan going forward could be read as a sign of Powell caving to Trump and spark a wild selloff by stocking concerns that even the Fed thinks the economy is turning south.

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