Thursday, December 15, 2022

Is it hard to get used to being an Intuitive?

 Yes. It was difficult until I was about 30 years old to be as gifted as I am by God. Why?

Well. I remember being around 8 or 10 years old and walking by someone on the sidewalk and realizing they were going to die soon because I could feel their body giving out and them leaving soon.

As a child this was extremely difficult and my reaction from what I felt was to want to faint from the power of death in the way it affects a child like I was then.

But, God made me of stronger stuff than most people likely and my father and mother's line of family were all survivors both here in the U.S. and Scotland. My father's side came to the U.S. in 1725 and my mother's side came to the U.S. around 1910 I believe and my mother was born in 1919. My father was born in 1916.

So, needless to say I survived childhood illnesses and accidents when many other people would not have.

Another interesting thing is that my parents were anti-vaxxers in the 1950s so I never had shots (vaccinations) for anything. At that time you could get a religious deferment for people not wanting vaccinations. So, my very first vaccination was at age 15 which was a tetanus shot required by law if you were bit by a dog because a blind dog I reached down to pet bit my hand because it was scared and old and not long for this world.

So, being a natural intuitive and very instinctual too like both sides of my family was hard to get used to but by 30 I realized I was blessed and my gifts would naturally help mankind all the time as long as I was centered enough (in God's Heart) for this to happen properly.

So, if you are a natural intuitive you want to invoke angels around you as much of the time as possible so you can live a long life and be of benefit to all life on earth and beyond.

By God's Grace

I have had amazing intuitive experiences now my whole life.

By the Grace of God

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