Friday, December 9, 2022

Lately I often think of General Grievous in Star Wars

 The way he could be described as someone who was once a man who still has a human heart but who is mostly robotic now. Then you have both Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker his biological father with a robot hand.

The reason I think about this is that I could envision soldiers on a battlefield losing many body parts but still living in some form and still able to drive a car, fly a plane, sky dive, Scuba dive, and many other things like riding a bike, walking or running long distances etc past 100 years of age.

To me, this is only a matter of time.

I have to think back about my father telling me the story of when he was a child Linbergh  flew across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris for the first time around 1927. My father then was about 11 years old because he was born in 1916 in Morenci, Arizona where his father was electrically wiring up residences for open pit copper miners then in Morenci.

The story he told me was that their Science Teacher in School told them in 1927 that one day man would fly to the moon on a rocket ship. The children all laughed at him because they didn't have the foresight that he had.

So, man landed on the moon in July 1969 when I was 21 years old. I had just broken up with a girl I intended to marry for the previous 2 years or so and was pretty confused by this at the time. She wanted to remain a virgin while marrying me because she was very religious. This wouldn't have worked for me because I wanted children so I broke up with her. This was a very painful time for me but man landing on the moon was pretty amazing.

1969 was for me personally one of the worst years of my life but also maybe the most transitional in an extreme way too.

I sort of became a different person than I was before. Was this good or bad?

I'd have to say it was both in extreme ways but my life has always been an adventure and has taken me all over the world since then and I have been married 3 times and have 3 biological children that I'm still on good terms with too.

It's amazing what you can survive in life and still have a good and adventurous life here on earth!

By God's Grace

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