Friday, December 16, 2022

reducing the pay back of 75% of what homeowners get from P, G & E likely will stop people from converting to Solar for the most part here in California

 I can ONLY think that this change is caused by both the petrochemical industries as well as the Electrical and Gas Companies throughout the state.

The excuse is that it makes it more fair for people who cannot pay for getting solar where they live.

This is a totally bogus and ridiculous point of view and it ONLY myopic in how it is thought out. 

This is exactly the kind of thing that oil and gas companies and Electrical providers would make up in order to make more money and to screw the people who want to put solar panels on their roofs to be more ecological.

This 75% rate cut which ONLY really benefits Electricity and Gas providers of all kinds will ONLY create less people choosing to convert their homes and businesses to solar which will only harm the environment more over time. 

So, the idea I guess is "Let's all die sooner from more CO2 in the air and water?"

That's about it.

Because in the long run people who cannot afford to convert to solar will be grateful that they aren't dead from extreme climate changes brought about by ever increasing CO2 which alters weather in extreme ways now worldwide.

To look at it another way is to be hypocritical in the extreme. Do you want the human race to survive all this or not?

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