Friday, December 9, 2022

Suffering is not really physical it is mental and emotional

The suffering of a troubled mind or troubled soul or emotionally disturbed person for them at least is like "Being in Hell".

So, one of the first things you need to learn about enlightenment is how to end your suffering.

And killing yourself doesn't end your suffering, in fact it only increases it after you are dead.

So, in some ways, the ONLY escape is through enlightenment and the enlightened mind while you are a human being here on earth.

So, what do you need to know about suffering and how to end it?

The first thing you need to know is that everything bad people ever said about you is a lie.

However, then you have to make this true.

How do you make it true that you are a good person?

First of all, if you don't do what it takes to physically survive then you don't.

However, I have found that you do what you can to survive without harming others physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

We are all connected in many different ways. So, whenever you harm someone else you also harm yourselves equally too.

So, learning now to learn compassion for yourself and all beings in the universe is the first real key to enlightenment.

You have to be able to love yourself to be enlightened and you need to be able to love and have compassion for all living beings in the physical universe to be enlightened to in the past, present and future.

Developing this compassion for yourselves and all beings like if they were your parents or your mother likely is the key to your personal enlightenment.

However, idiot compassion without wisdom is just going to get you or others killed.

So, be wise how you demonstrate compassion to yourself and all other beings.

The right way to enlightenment is what is called "Right mindful Compassion" which is literally

Compassionate Wisdom in all your actions and thoughts and feelings.

So, this is the goal, being practical while demonstrating compassionate wisdom always 24 hours a day towards yourself and all beings in the universe in the past, present and future.

By God's Grace 

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