Friday, December 9, 2022

The main part of the storm appears to be hitting right now from Eureka to Mt. Shasta and East of there so far

 I had thought it would have moved further south by now but I suppose everything changes including the weather predictions. So, the snow (at least right now is from the Trinity Mountains eastward towards Mt. Shasta and Nevada and points east from there. However, it is raining lightly where I am in the SF Bay area too but it is mostly at a mist or light rain drops level here. However, everything is very wet outside. And so far at least there is very little to no wind. According to the Google Weather report it says the winds are 8 miles per hour here but I just took my dog outside in the back yard for the last time toninght and didn't really feel wind at all but maybe the house sheltered me from 8mph winds.

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