Friday, December 16, 2022

Whether you are in an ice age or not it has a lot to do with the amount of CO2 in the air and oceans

Why do glacial periods end abruptly?

Notice the asymmetric shape of the Antarctic temperature

record (black line), with abrupt warmings shown in yellow

preceding more gradual coolings (
Kawamura et al. 2007;
Jouzel et al. 2007
). Warming at the end of glacial periods
tends to happen more abruptly than the increase in

solar insolation. Several positive feedbacks are respon
sible for this. One is the ice-albedo feedback. A second

feedback involves atmospheric CO
2. Direct measure-
ment of past CO
2 trapped in ice core bubbles shows
that the amount of atmospheric CO
2 decreased during
glacial periods (
Kawamura et al. 2007; Siegenthaler et
al. 2005
; Bereiter et al. 2015), in part because the deep
ocean stored more CO
2 due to changes in either ocean
mixing or biological activity. Lower CO
2 levels weakened
the atmosphere’s greenhouse effect and helped to

maintain lower temperatures. Warming at the end of

the glacial periods liberated CO
2 from the ocean, which
strengthened the atmosphere’s greenhouse effect and

contributed to further warming.

end partial quote from:

If I am understanding all this correctly when biological or other changes happen to species on earth it changes the CO2 amounts in the atmosphere and ocean. The lower the amounts of CO2 in the water and air the more likely it is to be in an ice age conversely the higher amounts of CO2 in the water and air the more likely it is to be like now.

So, with higher CO2 levels the oceans rise and with lower CO2 levels the oceans recede because so much of the water is then in ice near the northern and southern polar regions.

During Ice Ages humans have to move more towards the equator to stay warm enough to have civilizations more than small tribes to actually be functional as a larger civilization. Also, you can't really raise crops on glaciers unless you have a really advanced technology and greenhouses or something like that.

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