Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Bill Nye the Science Guy was being questioned about the melting of the "Doomsday Glacier"

begin quote from:

 Ocean water is rushing miles under the ‘Doomsday Glacier’ with potentially dire impacts on sea level rise

One of the things that Bill Nye mentions in this CNN interview is that Florida, especially Southern Florida will be underwater within 10 or 20 years because even now at high tide parts of Miami are underwater almost every day now too and this is even worse during storms. So, wherever you live near the ocean this is extremely problematic because some places are under 5 to 10 feet miles inland where you are going to see the effects the most. Places like Bangladesh would be almost wiped from the map because they will be underwater except for building over 2 stories tall or on stilts. This is true all over the world also since all the major oceans are directly connected from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Mediterranean Ocean to the other oceans here on earth. 

So, whatever happens to one ocean in this sense happens to all oceans at the same time simply because of the way water works and spreads evenly except for waves and storms and high and low tides hitting at different times around the world.

So, high tide during storms you will see the most damage done to all these places around the world from the oceans tearing down homes and other buildings and the salt killing trees and other plants along the way. I have seen palm trees dying or dead in the Hawaiian Islands already from this problem and I have seen on TV  regarding Refugio state Beach north of Santa Barbara and Goleta, California.

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