Tuesday, March 21, 2017

More Regarding Roswell?

My thought this morning is that if the crew of the Roswell ship were HIve (in other words functioning a lot like the "Borg" in Star Trek the Next Generation, then microchips lead either to human extinction or a Hive type of culture where only one (the Queen Bee) so to speak has free will and runs everything and everyone.

IF this is true is that where microchip technology leads us eventually?

It is possible that the only two possible outcomes are "Hive" or human extinction.

So, that the design of having been given microchips is a trick in itself taking us to somewhere we don't want to go.

This likely is why the technology has been so seductive for mankind sort of like how alcoholics and drug addicts are affected by their drug of choice.

So, like drugs (even alcohol) the end result is either Hive or human extinction?

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