Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Studying the premise in the previous article "More regarding Roswell"

More Regarding Roswell?

If we look at this realistically in the above article then we have to see a couple of things going on here.

First,  How people have reacted to microchips in home devices like computers, laptops, IPads, smartphones and cell phones so far. to put it mildly they have been an "ADDICTIVE SUCCESS" at present all over the planet. So, how do we see this? One way to look at it is an addiction like alcohol where most of the planet (5 billion and more Cellphones so far) and this includes all smartphones as well.

So, micrchips have become an addictive success by this measure among all or most of mankind who can afford to buy and to use this technology.

In fact, they are sort of like guns used for personal protection and for warfare. For example, a cell phone or satellite phone was used by a child to call in a terrorist strike on the true story of "Blackhawk Down" in the 1990s in Somalia where many or most American soldiers or pilots of this engagement with Terrorists did not survive the encounter.

This is the first that I know of of using a satellite phone or cell phone to cause your soldiers on a side to join together to fight.

So, as you can see microchips in phones are a weapon worldwide now. They are often a weapon in calling everyone together for a rally or demonstration everywhere on earth as well.

But then, as microchips allow people more and more "like the Iwatch" to have instruments on or inside their bodies all this technology through physical operations in the future (and some have done this already) changes people to resemble the borgs of "Star Trek the Next Generation" in reality.

Now, Imagine a Hitler type of group with built in technology into their bodies and microminiaturized to the point where it can then actually run on the electricity generated by eating food where no battery needs to be recharged but the human eating enough food to generate the electricity needed for operating brain cells and nerve cells and muscle cells and heart cells.

At this point you have for all intents and purposes a Borg who can interact 24 hours a day with other Borgs and who could theoretically organize against the rest of us quite effectively, moreso than any other group of humans could potentially without even speaking a word.

So, now you see my point of view as to how microchips take us potentially to being Hive or Borgs.

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