Monday, March 30, 2009

Is violence linked to recession?

My answer to this question would be: Of Course!

Without hope the people perish!

If someone cannot find their way and feel or think they have no possibility of finding their way, economically, emotionally, physically or spiritually then such people tend to create their own demise either directly or indirectly. Just look down through history. The history books are replete with these stories.

If people have no hope they tend not to survive long term.

So, if you want to survive these times and want your friends and families to survive then some kind of hope has to be found. In some ways initially it is less important whether it is real or imagined hope even though in the later stages one must be able to demonstrate to oneself there is truth to their hope. In other words eventually one must be able to demonstrate in some way that their hope is based upon truth and not lies.

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