Sunday, March 22, 2009

Most Populist Anger is Misdirected and Manipulated

We all have never been here before. Even my parents and grandparents that went through the Great Depression didn't see anything like this.

I have studied finances and stocks and municipal bonds for the last 10 years or so but I still don't know enough. But I do know one thing. This whole thing didn't happen by accident.

But the people that are having this anger directed at them are not the culprits. I don't know if the real culprits will ever be brought to justice because they are just too insulated.

Let me give you an example of how I know this.

Most people don't realize that most of the posts at the Treasury Department are vacant and likely will be for about 6 months or more. Why in God's name you might ask?

The best answer I can give you is that the same people who could populate the Treasury Department don't want to because they are all Wall STreet PRos who know they would be blackballed by Wall Street(never get another job there) if they chose to take a Treasury post. And Second they could face the same wrath of the populist movement that is facing Geitner and AIG now.

But Geitner isn't the culprit and the Republicans have to be very careful or what could happen is that if they get Geitner out then no one(for about 6 months) will be able to be confirmed by congress back there to help solve this problem.


As I see it the very rich have had it so easy for so long that they have forgotten one of the most famous sayings of the 18th Century."Any mob is only 2 meals from a revolution!"

If you look at the mood in America, many people are getting ready for a lynching. And unfortunately if they do this they will lynch the wrong people and it could cause a civil war or complete governmental collapse.

The rich of Wall Street don't seem to understand just how fragile any society is. I've got 16% unemployment in my county in California(23% adjusted for reality of adding in part-time underemployed and those who have given up looking).

I'm afraid we might be looking at something as potentially as ugly as the French Revolution if we aren't very careful within 2 years. Please take me seriously as I am a precognitive psychic.

Please feed and clothe the people. If we don't do that we might lose our country and form of government!

I don't really care how out of touch some rich people are. If the poor miss about 2 meals and they are talking to each other and angry about that watch out!(especially in larger cities!

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