Monday, March 23, 2009

Top Heavy

I was listening to the NPR radio guest speak about just how complex and unpredictable world events are now on earth. He compared it to the almost chaos theory results of dropping one grain of sand upon another until you build up a pile of sand prone to collapse of one kind or another but that is completely unpredictable in the exact way it collapses. As a person who was once a computer programmer in Cobol, Fortran and Basic, I kind of look at new microsoft operating systems in this kind of top heavy way.

I guess what I mean by this is that basic human civilization has been built continually basically on the same model for thousands of years just like Microsoft windows Operating systems are still based upon the same krnl that they were before there was an internet in the early 1980s. So when the internet came along since the original design didn't design for an internet there were vulnerabilities that patches have to be written for. Likewise, in the world banking system nothing much has changed since the abacus was invented except that machines are taught to do what an abacus did before. And because it is not a lot of people double checking everything there are a lot more potential errors that might never be caught within the world wide system. And these errors could be made by human or computer glitches or even synthetic sentient computer programs or subroutines.

So, in 1916 when the U.S. Joined World War I it was over within two years, even though a flu pandemic killed thousands of soldiers and others at the end of the war.

The solution to World War I of punishing Germany directly created Hitler into power and cost about 100 million people their lives worldwide, 20 million in Russia alone, mostly from freezing to death and starvation.

Today, the western secular Christian World is fighting Islamic Terrorism. However, after 8 years there are more Islamists that hate America and the free world than there were in 2001. So, by even fighting Islamic Terorists this thing could go on another 1000 years just like is has to one degree or another since the Crusades and El Cid in Spain.

The commentator on NPR explained how the world is now like this sand pile where sometimes one more grain of sand on top creates and unknown cascade of sand down a direction no one knows.

For example, right now, when the world Court accused the President of Sudan of War Crimes and Genocide he just created more genocide by kicking all the AID groups out of Sudan and causing three AID workers to be kidnapped from the western nations. So the likely outcome will be 100s of thousands of more deaths from starvation, rape and worse because the animists who were already raped or killed or had their arms and legs hacked off will likely be genocided by the President of Sudan and his soldiers.

It is the unintended consequences worldwide that are moving to more and more catastrophic levels. What is happening to the world in developed nations is absolutely nothing compared to the complete loss of all rights even to life taking place in third world nations right now. And because of the lack of financial resources worldwide it is likely to get much much worse over the next few years.

Yes. An adaptable nation like the United States will likely either find a way forward or just make one up. We're like that. Our ancestors settled this country. We are adaptable and tough in a way that most of the world is still amazed by. But most of the world's governing systems are not as adaptable or as tough as ours is and they know it and so are much more afraid than we are and we see it.

IN the worse shape is the third world where governments tend to be the most corrupt and they will suffer the most in the next few years or even the next 5 to 10 years.

Yes. The world is top heavy with a faulty basic design totally not useful in this day and age. But who is going to change it? Many have tried and many have died trying!

Though the world is top heavy it is sort of like streets here in California. I can always tell when a new stop sign goes in that someone or many died to create that sign.
Though maybe one person died so a stop sign goes up, maybe ten people died for every new traffic light to go up over the years. I think the world it like that. Until enough people die things don't change until enough relatives of dead people left alive get really angry and make the change happen. This is the way it actually is in California. The rest of the world is the same or worse.

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