Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Problem with:Serfs Liberation Day

Serfs Liberation Day is a made up holiday based upon the Chinese propaganda of how wonderful it is for Tibetans since the Chinese liberated them.

Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the truth. Having spoken with hundreds of Tibetans between 1983 and 1995 who had to leave Tibet or be killed and tortured by the Chinese between 1958 and 1980, Serfs Liberation Day I can only conclude is as big a lie as General Custer and the U.S. Government told at the need for Little Big Horn and the rest of the native American U.S. Government battles of the 19th century.

There is a saying, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely!" During the 20th century we have seen this in many countries like the old Soviet Union, China under Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot in Cambodia, Japan under its samarai military warlord Tojo etc. etc. etc.

Though most of these despots are gone, because of the immense population base in China it has not felt secure enough to convert to any form of democracy and has only accepted capitalism. Though I understand Chinese fear of chaos after the last 2 centuries that they have been through, it is important for the Chinese to consider what will happen if China destroys through technology the infrastructure of the rest of the world. It will mean only that despotism, and warlordism will decimate the world and likely bring the extinction of everyone including China, even if China is the last to go.

The kinds of power presently being misused through China and reaching tendrils now out through the internet, banking systems etc. can only doom international monetary policy worldwide in the long run.

We live in very scary times worldwide and China needs to be part of the solution and not just make the problems of the world worse and more and more impossible to deal with in any rational way. Without democracy and rationality worldwide what will come is much worse than World War I, World War II, the Korean war, the Viet Nam War, Iraq and Afghanistan all put together. None of us need something that unthinkable to have to live through. And yet, if things keep going the way they are that may be how all this ends for the whole human race. And even if humans aren't rendered extinct with that outcome all nations and civilizations would be.

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