Sunday, September 9, 2012

My philosophy of Fasting and dieting

My doctor last May said to me something like, "Fred. If you don't want high blood pressure you need to lose some weight." No doctor had ever told me this before so it was sort of an ultimatum I realized if I wanted to continue my relatively good health. At first I was very depressed because I had found no diet that worked completely for me. Even my wife and I going to a dietician for one year once a week hadn't worked for me beyond learning that I was allergic to Whey Protein powder. (This took 6 months to find this out which was very discouraging at the time). But then I started using soy protein powder and this worked fine to always start the day with protein and to stabilize my weight or to lose a little while maintaining a good blood sugar by always starting the day with protein instead of just not eating anything until about 4 pm which I have done off and on since I was about 8 or 9 years old. I used to get upset in the morning as a child not wanting to go to school and I would throw up my food. I found that if I didn't eat I had nothing to throw up and then in high school and college this was sort of like drinking coffee between about 11 am and when school got out about 3 pm or so. I continued this not eating until 3 or 4 pm whenever I could get away with it ongoing throughout my life because it sort of worked for me (but not always). But this stopped working at all by age 40 or so because I had undiagnosed hypothyroid condition until I was 58.

So, anyway, my daughter got me to listen to the "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead diet with Joe Cross from Australia and I realized I could actually do this diet because of my Dad and my life experience in this direction. The single most important thing for me was I knew I could not only lose weight I could keep it off too by just juicing one to three meals every day from now on. I was going to live and I was going to be okay.

Today, my son showed me a picture of myself in April or May of this year. I had a jowel visible. But he took a picture of me today and it was completely gone. Not only that my head looked thinner and I now looked like both my mother and my father once again because of my weight loss. Whereas before I only saw my mother every time I looked into the mirror. Somehow it is very reassuring when you had really great parents to see both of them in the mirror when you look in the mirror once again.

So, even though it isn't easy I'm doing another 7 to 10 days of organic vegan Juice fasting modified for my personal needs. Today I realized wasn't as successful as I would have liked on my 2nd day of fasting but after all, life is a work in progress isn't it and you just keep trying until you get it right one day or another. So, I'm really pleased to be on another diet relatively full time for 7 days or more even though there are a lot of things to think about when one does this.

This diet is sort of like fasting in some ways because you have to deal with altered states of consciousness. At least I do at age 64. I was thinking about this in the shower tonight and realized in some ways it is a lot like when one drinks a couple of drinks of alcohol. So, this kind of diet you have to be very careful to try to be in a sort of controlled environment so everything turns out okay. However, I like some of the states of consciousness if I don't have to be making a lot of important decisions. So, a diet like this if you eat something every 2 hours you usually don't get hungry at all because it takes care of your apostat that causes you to get hungry. So then, you just need to be in a safe enough environment so you can function. For me, it's a little like a couple of beers except there is no barbituate effect (downer) like beer has. It is more a spiritual effect where senses open up you aren't used to being so open most of the time and you can have really amazing experiences and if you are safe there is not reason to be afraid. So, for me, being on this diet is really pleasant as long as nothing really serious needs to be dealt with. If something serious arises I simply eat an avocado or peanut butter or go out to a Jamba Juice or put some soy protein with fruit juice in my blender and within about 1/2 and hour I can be relatively normal in my everyday decision making and functioning. So, for me, it is a win, win, win situation 90% of the time or more.

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