Thursday, March 16, 2017

Trump: Eliminating the poor through bad health and starvation worldwide

Trump and his cronies mostly have never ever been poor. So, to them, there are rich people and the rest are animals (or at least thought of as animals who need to be controlled or eliminated).

So, you see this in his actions. You can lie to them and mistreat them and rape them (he has done all these things by the way) so this is just how he has operated since being a teenager who inherited 100 million dollars or more from his father which he turned into his businesses.

So, Trump has never been poor or middle Class a day in his life. He is also white racist because this is how he began to think during the 1950s in New York at that time. So, he is trying to recreate a time when his father and his older Brother Fred were still alive once again.

I, for example, long for the times when my parents were alive too in the 1950s through mid 1980s when my father died. My mother passed away in 2008. So, I understand how precious those years are with family. When they are gone they are gone forever and if you haven't created a family of your own by then, then you are sort of screwed for life at that point.

So, Trump wanting to go back to the 1950s when his brother and father were alive is understandable.

But, to torture the whole world while he does this is just wrong wrong wrong.

I see him as building up our military while killing our people.

The only excuse for this would be an attack on our nation.

But, the only attack I see right now is Russia attacking our CIA (not Trump) and likely Trump is a part of this attack on the CIA.

Have you ever heard Trump chastise Russia for Wikileaks destroying the Cyber Arm of the CIA and costing our nation millions and billions of dollars by this now?

40% of all jobs will be gone here in the U.S. within 25 years.

80% of all present jobs will be gone by 2100 here in the U.S.

So, Trump is just starving these people all to death slowly or through bad  or no health care.

Calling Trump a murderer then is just an understatement of the actual truth.

Maybe he could be called a Genocider like ISIS?

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