Sunday, August 19, 2018

I have lots of ideas: However

The problem becomes is what you are writing going to help people or not? If it's not going to help them in some way then what's the use of writing it in the first place?

This is something I'm constantly asking myself. Often I will write things that are too personal to publish so I often delete them. Then other times I write things and realize that people won't take it the way I meant it or don't have the background to receive it in a useful way. So, self editing becomes even more important than what you write about in the first place. If what you are going to write about is going to harm people (even though it might be very entertaining) what good is that?

So, how can you help people have better lives? This might be important in your blogs to think about.

But, then again if you are writing this for yourself and are never going to publish this ever then this is an entirely different thing.

My writing is often either self therapy or it's sharing something that I hope will be helpful for people's lives.

However, then you have to be thinking who your average audience is too and what might benefit them and what might not benefit them.

News articles like Fires and tornadoes and hurricanes are sort of like Public service notifications of what is happening somewhere. Because often people have relatives or friends living almost anywhere and they need to know this information to go rescue or send money to their friends or relatives who have lost everything in fires, tornadoes or hurricanes or floods worldwide.

After all, the U.S. is maybe the most international large nation on earth. So, information about what is happening worldwide is relevant to some people here in the U.S. and even if you don't know that person directly you might know their relatives or friends and then share the information with people who need it worldwide.

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