Friday, August 3, 2018

Staying Calm through difficult experiences in your life

There are times when being confrontative is useful. Not being violent but just saying "No!" is important sometimes in life. But, most of the time staying calm is the most useful because you will tend to maintain rationality and being adaptive better. Even though when I'm angry in a controlled way I'm always the most intelligent I find.

Most of the best things in my life came from being angry in a controlled decisive way.

Many people don't know how to process their anger in a constructive way but I always did because it was always a family trait. So, knowing how to direct your anger in a non-violent way when things are wrong often leads to health, wealth and long term happiness.

Whereas just staying a victim to family or friends or co-workers often leads to ill health and death eventually.

So, knowing when to leave a situation because it is no longer helpful to be there often is the difference between life and death in the short or long run in a person's life.

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