Friday, August 10, 2018

The Many different perspectives regarding what is happening on Earth

The above article is a useful perspective of what is thought of in the world of Creators who started this Galaxy (built this galaxy). Creators by the way build all galaxies much like we as humans build farms here on earth to support our families and to feed them.

So, imagine you are a species that once born never dies (unless you die from boredom) and you live billions and billions of years. And this species is actually what we humans call on earth "Our Souls" because the species we actually are is what our souls are that never die.

So, how most humans perceive reality at present is not how most beings perceive reality throughout this galaxy and others.

The single most prevalent point of view (regarding human bodies) would be that humans are a wild species with some technology. So, we are at this nexus point of the oppression of civilization on freedom combined with a lot of wildness. This is a desirable state to many in the galaxy where things aren't so wild that everyone is just being killed right and left but civilization hasn't become just so oppressive that no freedom at all is allowed anymore.

So, the point of view of many is that "let's go party on earth!" which has been happening since around 1900 or 1700 (depending upon your point of view).

However, now the parties over and we are going home more and more now. And global warming is helping this now too.

But, I'm trying to write about different perspectives on what is happening on earth.

If you believe in God you are going to be in one category of what is happening on earth.
If you believe in Nature (as a God) you are going to have a different perspective regarding what's happening on earth.
If you don't believe in anything (an anarchist and an atheist) then you are going to have your own perspective about what is happening on earth.

Then if you are a creator (who isn't living in an earth human body presently) you are going to have a very different perspective about all this.

A creator is a being that doesn't need to live in time or space necessarily because the origination point of a creator is usually beyond normal matter. In other words beyond time and space as we know it as humans here on earth.

Part of the problem of understanding all this as humans is that we think only time and space and galaxies are real. NOPE! That's not it.

96% of the universe is what's it and that 96% is not matter or even time and space as we presently know it.

So, if I think of a Galaxy like we live in as being like a waterfall in space, this might be the most useful way to think of it. Then imagine the Creators are catching fish like Native Americans for their families just like many tribes of Native Americans did around waterfalls in the past.

But, in the case of Creators what they are actually catching is "Energy" as it moves from Dark Matter to be split into matter and antimatter and then back again from Matter and anti-matter back to Dark Matter.

So, the "Fish" they are catching is energy that they can harvest as the universal Stream moves from dark matter (unknown matter) to be broken down into Matter and anti-matter and then back again into Dark matter (96% of the known universe).

So, only 4% of the universe presently are galaxies like the one we live in that includes both time and space.

But, time and space and matter do NOT exist in Dark matter but can be created out of dark matter when it is split somehow from the Anti-matter.

So, dark matter doesn't contain either time or space initially. Time and space ONLY exists when it is separated from Dark Matter.

And the problem scientists on earth are having is realizing that Dark matter has nothing whatsoever to do with matter and time and space at all. So, by using matter and time and space instruments they can NEVER find dark matter in the first place because it has completely different properties than any galaxy has in the universe presently.

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