Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The morning of the Earthquake in Eureka, California area I woke up in the dark and sensed something wasn't right

 Something wasn't right and so I got up after hearing a bang. I thought a tree had fallen and then my wife thought it was a garbage truck or something before dawn. However, last night I finally put it all together because what it was was a roller during the earthquake hitting the house with a "Bang". I had heard a bang like this when standing outside of a church on a Sunday in Malibu Canyon when I saw what looked like a wave moving across a field next to the church. When the Dirt wave hit the church there was a loud "Bang" like I heard the night of the earthquake in Eureka. So, what I heard wasn't a tree falling it was a dirt wave of the earthquake hitting our house. However, it must have hit at around a 3.0 or a 4.0 this far away in order to have made a sound like that. Also, we have a very well built house so even a large earthquake if it had hit us shouldn't have thrown our house off the foundation like it did many houses there in that county.

They said that 80% of Humbolt County California or 71,000 people lost power from that earthquake and this caused the deaths of two people likely who needed electricity in their homes in order to stay alive and live through something like this. They also said 18 to 20 people were injured by the earthquake too in various ways. The most common injuries are stepping on broken glass with bare feet or books or paintings falling off of walls onto people's beds. These are the most common injuries during an earthquake in California.

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